Easy On PC
New Standard In Spirometry
The NDD Easy on-PC is a revolutionary new type of spirometer that plugs directly into the USB port of your PC. Easy on-PC features TrueFlow Ultrasonic Flow sensor technology which makes the device fast yet simple to use.
- Slow and forced vital capacity test
- Maximum voluntary ventilation test
- Child incentives
- Automated Interpretation (ATS/ERS)
- Easy software upgrades
- No downtime
- FDA 510(k) clearance, CE
- ATS/ERS 2005 & 2019, NIOSH, OSHA
EasyOne Air
Portable Spirometer
EasyOne Air is the latest addition from NDD. Its portable built-in with large color touch screen, Bluetooth connectivity to PC for on-line testing. Direct report print option without need of PC for portable use.
- Slow & Forced Vital Capacity test
- MVV Test
- Child Incentive
- Large internal memory upto 10,000 tests
- Auto interpretation (ATS/ERS)
- Intuitive use guidance
- FDA 510(k) clearance, CE
- ATS/ERS 2005 & 2019, NIOSH, OSHA
DLCO Measuring Device
EasyOne Pro/Lab®
Portable Diffusion System
With our maintenance free automatic calibration technology, EasyOne Pro offers complete lung function testing in one square foot.
- Slow and forced spirometry tests
- Single Breath CO Diffusion (DLCO)
- Single Breath FRC lung volume measurements
- Large selection of predicted values
- No warm-up time
- Automatic and fast calibration for each test performed
- Perfect hygiene solution with disposable breathing tube
- Automated interpretation (ATS/ERS)
- Portable, self-contained device
- High-resolution color touch screen
- Wide range of data export options
- Interfaces with a wide range of EMRs
- Automatic back-up on flash card
- Easy software upgrades
- Remote support capability
- Easy raw data export for scientific use
- FDA 510(k) clearance, CE
- ATS/ERS 2005 & 2019, NIOSH, OSHA
- Multi-breath N2 washout FRC Testing
- Lung Clearance Index (LCI)
FeNO Device
Point-of-care, portable, rapid and highly accurate FeNO device that facilitates the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma by providing useful information on airway inflammation.
- Easy to set up and use
- Accurate and results in 5 seconds
- Dual user interface
- According to ATS/ERS recommendations
- Software connectivity
- Can determined FENO in Adult and Children over 4 Yrs
PulmoScan FOT Device
The PulmoScan is the world's first portable stand-alone and wireless forced Oscillation Technique (FOT) device, FDA cleared for both clinic and home use.
FOT Devices
Mostgraph 02
- Total Respiratory Resistance and Reactance by Forced Oscillatory Technique (FOT).
- Quick and Simple testing by normal breathing. Test is done in 20sec.
- Patient cooperation-independent. No special respiratory maneuver is required.
- Graphic 3D interpretation of the result. Easy-to-understand for the patients.
- Respiratory Resistance with Pre/Post Bronchodilator for early diagnosis of Asthma.
- Reliable and accurate test results in combination with complete Spirometry tests.
- Easy differentiation between COPD and Asthma.
- Breath by breath analysis of each Exhalation and Inhalation.
PulmoScan FOT Device
The PulmoScan is the world's first portable stand-alone and wireless forced Oscillation Technique (FOT) device, FDA cleared for both clinic and home use.
Spiroflo chamber
The special anti-static chamber ensures a complete suspension of the drug, improving the dose available to the patient.The unique eye-valve not only allows low resistance to flow but indicates inhalation with movement of the valve.Built in adapter allows the inhaler to fit perfectly.
Tryflo incentive spirometer
Tryflo incentive spirometer is ideal for developing, improving and maintaining your respiratory fitness.Tryflo incentive is a deep breathing exerciser that has been scientifically constructed as a means of encouraging you to take a slow sustained maximal inspiration (SMI). Tryflo incentive spirometer is designed to help you perform normal breathing exercises. In turn, the spirometer will help you prevent the possibility of respiratory complications or to improve your breathing pattern if you have a respiratory condition.
Peak Flow Meter & Mouthpiece
- Large, high visibility scale
- Available with European/ATS scale
- Movable asthma management color zones
- Customization possible for promotional purposes
- Meets and exceeds all international performance standards
- Adult (60 to 800 l/m) & Paed (60 to 600 l/m) use